Why Would I Use Lethe if I'm Not a Criminal?

Privacy protocols have long had a connotation of being only for people engaging in illicit activities, or with ill gotten funds. The reality is that the average person has a lot to gain using privacy protocols, especially in a decentralized space. Recently, there has been a large surge in criminals attempting assault/robbery/murder for individuals who's wallets they were able to dox online — reaffirming the need for the average joe to worry about their security. Here's how the average person can benefit from the creation of Lethe

  • Financial Privacy – Just like people don’t want banks or third parties tracking their purchases, crypto users may want to keep their wallet balances, addresses, and movements away from prying eyes

    • People in crypto attempt to identify profitable wallets and track them, which can potentially expose identifiable information if one was sufficiently motivated

  • Protecting Personal Security – Privacy protocols can help individuals avoid attacks, scams, or hacks by preventing others from seeing how much crypto they hold

  • Private Payments: Lethe allows anyone to send or receive payments, salaries, or any other income without giving anyone the ability to snoop on their income and/or financial activity

  • Business Transactions – Companies and individuals could use Lethe to keep business payments confidential

  • Anonymous Donations – Users can use Lethe to support charities or other goodwill organizations without revealing their identity (if they're a public figure/doxed)

Privacy isn't for hiding illegal activity, rather it's a fundamental human right that allows us control over our personal information.

Last updated